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Worshipful Master's Address
Sean Hines

First and foremost, giving God the glory, honor, and praise, for scripture tells us in 1 John 4:16 "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." Let us have a word of prayer:


Most Noble and Wise Creator, we come to you once again first to say thank you. Thank you for the life you continuously breathe into us, and the blessings you bestow upon us knowingly and unknowingly. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to learn and grow as we continue to strive to be better every day. We ask that you keep us and our loved ones in good health and under your loving care moving forward. We also ask that you bless the lodge so that we may be successful in our endeavors of servitude to Your Kingdom, our family & friends, and ourselves now and forever more. Amen. So Mote It Be.


Thank you brethren for this honor. This gavel I now hold in my hand is, to me, not a symbol of authority, but a mark of trust - The trust you have reposed in me to conduct the affairs of Maceo Boston Jr. Lodge in accordance with your wishes for the ensuing 2024 - 2025 year. From the moment I have become a member of this lodge, I have been instilled with a sense of pride being amongst an awesome group of men who have taught me what it means not only to be a good Mason, but an even better man. I will do the best I can to emulate the leadership that was exemplified from previous years as we continue to learn and grow together through the bonds of unity and friendship.


Worshipful Master Sean Hines

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